CSPN collects program data from Section 529 college savings plans and makes this information available to the states, policy makers, the media and the general public.
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Reports & Infographics
March 2017 Report / Infographic
September 2016 Report / Infographic
529 Plan Data: Assets Under Management & Number of Accounts by Plan
2023: March 31 / June 30 / September 30 / December 31
2022: March 31 / June 30 / September 30 / December 31
2021: March 31 / June 30 / September 30 / December 31
2020: December 31/ June 30
2019: December 31 / June 30
2018: December 31 / June 30
2017: December 31
2016: December 31 / June 30
2015: December 31 / June 30
2014: December 31 / June 30
2013: December 31/ June 30
2012: December 31 / June 30
2011: December 31 / June 30
2010: December 31 / June 30
2009: December 31
Comparisons of “open accounts” data collected prior to 2009 cannot be compared to newer data due to a change in the data collection methodology.
2001: Q4