
  • Why Save for College?

    By David Lawhorn, Program Administrator
    Kentucky Education Savings Plan Trust (KESPT)
    Kentucky Affordable Prepaid Tuition (KAPT)
    July 7, 2014

    I have worked at a state agency for 14 years administering our state’s 529 college savings plan, and this is a question I get all the time: Why should I save for college? I usually try to answer this basic question by pointing out the below reasons on why it’s important to save for college:

  • A College Savings Pep Talk

    By Luke Minor, Marketing & Communications Manager

    Washington’s Guaranteed Education Tuition (GET) program
    June 30, 2014woman with megaphone

    As much as those of us in the 529 world wish otherwise, starting a college savings plan is not always an easy decision for families to make. The benefits of saving for college may seem obvious, and most of us know that we “should be doing it,” but connecting these thoughts to action is not always easy. To help provide a little encouragement, we’ve planned a little pep talk to help you take your college savings game to the next level. To guide our discussion, we’ll look at a few inspirational quotes from some of the most outstanding leaders in sports history. So, let’s get our game faces on and go win one for your kids!

  • Summer Break is no Time to Break from Saving

    By John Perdue, West Virginia State Treasurer
    College Savings Plans Network Executive Board Member

    Summer Fun
    As a parent, I know how proud I am to see my children reach important milestones in life, like graduations.  As a state treasurer, I also know how important it is to keep planning and saving for my children’s next milestone.

    With the school year coming to a close, many of you may be experiencing this sense of pride and excitement as your little one graduates from pre-school, high school or college. With graduation comes parties and celebrations, and from there, summer fun takes center stage.

  • College Savings Plans: It’s Never Too Late to Start

    By Robin Lott
    Executive Director, Michigan Education Trust
    June 2, 2014

    college grads

    Summer is finally here and it’s graduation time once again!  Families are busy preparing to honor students and to celebrate many facets of milestone graduates.  Pre-school children are being recognized for graduating to kindergarten.  Elementary and middle school students are graduating to the next level and high school seniors are on their way to college.  Many families are also thinking, “Wow, where did the time go?”  Now is a good time to conduct a mid-year review of your college savings strategy.  Gifts into your 529 prepaid or investment plan can further reduce future college debt.

  • Believe it or Not, Your Kids are Paying Attention & Your Savings Efforts Make a Big Difference

    By Ryan Betz, Associate Director of Marketing & Communications, Washington Guaranteed Education Tuition (GET) program
    April 8, 2014
    mortar boards
    Since I was a young boy, I was told by my parents that college would be a part of my future. It was an opportunity my parents never had and they knew how important a college education was to my future success as a person and as a professional. At an early age, my parents began saving for my higher education and they told me about the funds that were set aside to help with tuition, books and other costs. I got a part time job in high school and the dollars I earned were also set aside to help pay for school.

  • New Proposed Federal Legislation Supports Families Saving for College

    By Joan Marshall, executive director, College Savings Plans of Maryland
    April 4, 2014

    I’m excited about a new bill that was introduced last week in the House of Representatives (HR 4333) because it is designed to help those who are currently investing in 529 plans and encourage even more families to save for college with these great tax-advantaged, convenient and affordable plans. The main enhancements this bill would provide for college savers include:

  • Saving for College — Two Plans are Better Than One!

    By Sheila Salehian
    Senior Deputy Treasurer, Office of
    Nevada State Treasurer

    Kate Marshall
    March 3, 2014

    Contributing to a prepaid tuition plan and a traditional 529 college savings plan simultaneously….really?


    If you’re like most parents, the thought of paying for your children’s college education sends you to the mall shopping for gourmet chocolates or other ‘comfort food’.  You’re not alone. According to a recent survey, only 50% of families with children under the age of 18 have actually started to save for their children’s higher education needs.*   However, these families have realized that even if they cannot save for the entirety of their child’s college education cost, they are still better off borrowing less… essentially ‘paying themselves’ with tax free interest earnings when paying for qualified higher education expenses. Paying significantly more in the future for what you can’t afford to pay for today is a scary feeling.