CSPN is collecting Radio and TV advertisements and other marketing and outreach collateral to share these great ideas with the membership who are looking for ideas to enhance their own outreach efforts. Please review and share the resources below with others in your agency/firm and don’t forget to submit and share materials and ads from your plan.
Printed Collateral
Maine Nextgen Enrollment Brochure
Digital / Video advertisement
California “Treasurer Fiona Ma Introduces ScholarShare 529”
“Made in California Anthem Video”
Georgia Radio Ad (click play below)
South Carolina Future Scholar ads:
College Savings for New Parents
Radio Ad (click play below)
Utah my529 created a hero video – Inspire Their Future
Virginia Going Home
Printed Collateral
Alaska Benefits of a 529 Infographic
Alaska Head Start on my Wish list Mailer
Alaska Just Like My Dad Mailer
GiftofCollege What is 529 Booklet
Kansas Brand Unity One Pager Flyer Did You Know
Invesco Well Balanced Fuel Kit
JP Morgan Enrollment Kit Brochure Presentation Slide Rule
Nevada School Savings Sticker Banner Flyer
New York 529 Direct Plan FAQs Brochure
Ohio 529 Enrollment Kit Brochure Folder
Oregon Monthly Email sample – October
Oregon sample email to interested individuals 1 2 3
Texas 529 Plan Socks
T. Rowe Price Don’t Miss a Moment Mailer
T. Rowe Price Today is the Day Mailer
T. Rowe Price Holiday Wish list Mailer
T. Rowe Price Love has a Number Mailer
WA529 Child Profile
WA529 HR Flyer
WA529 Activity Book
WA GET Enrollment Guide and Flyer
West Virginia SMART529 Direct Kit Brochure
Digital / Video advertisement
Alabama CollegeCounts 529
Alaska UA College Savings Plan TV Spot
Alaska Employer Testimonial
Alaska Molly of Denali
Alaska PFD Social Snowball
Alaska Payroll Deduction Program
GiftofCollege Find Your 529 Plan
Idaho IDeal Birthday
Maine How can NextGen 529 help you prepare for higher education?
Nevada Prepaid Tuition Testimonial Governor
Nevada Prepaid Tuition Testimonial – Lt. Governor
Ohio Holiday Tax Deadline
Rhode Island Saving is Believing
T. Rowe Price Father/Daughter Dance
T. Rowe Price Molly of Denali
T. Rowe Price Baby Rattle Instagram
T. Rowe Price Dab Instagram
VA529 How Much Should I save for College
Wisconsin Edvest Facebook Stork
Wisconsin Fireman Digital Banner
Wisconsin Executive Digital Banner
Wisconsin Facebook New Baby
Wisconsin Architect Digital Banner
Wisconsin Instagram New Baby