Hon. Richard Mourdock
Indiana State Treasurer
January 18, 2013
Still putting away holiday decorations and the piles of toys your children received for Christmas? Ready for a fresh start to the New Year? And of course, how are you doing with the New Year’s resolutions that were set so purposefully?
One of the best possible resolutions you can make is to do a better job of keeping your financial house in order. There are a number of questions to ask yourself while preparing for the upcoming year. What are your spending priorities? Where can you cut costs? But more importantly, how much are you saving?
One of the largest expenses a family will incur is the cost of a college education. Each year the rate of increased costs of higher education outstrips the rate of inflation. You’re probably thinking, “with the costs of school supplies, dance class, new baseball cleats, cell phones and music players, how can I possibly save for their college?”
Fortunately, almost every state has the solution for you! And what’s better is that it will not only help send your loved ones to college, but in most states, reward you for saving at the same time! Join thousands of others with a most timely New Years resolution for 2013 by opening a 529 Plan and contributing to it every month!
Even if you can’t put all of the money away to pay for college, you can help your child leave school with far less debt on graduation day than those who must borrow all of their college tuition and fees. College can be within reach if you begin to invest that money today!
Start 2013 with a meaningful New Year’s resolution and improve your own financial practices. Learn more about your 529 Plan options here.
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