Dear Dash,

Grandma and Grandpa keep asking me what kind of gifts I would like this year! I love getting toys, and I think I can never have enough. But this year, I have really been thinking about my future.

Do you have any ideas for a gift I will never outgrow?




Dear Glacier,

Asking for a gift you are never going to outgrow is a wonderful idea! What do you think about saving your family some holiday stress and loan payments for yourself in the future by asking for the gift of future education?

I know your parents have already opened a college savings plan account for you and are working hard to make it grow. It would be a great help to them, to you and to your future goals if your grandparents and other relatives contributed to it as well. They can do so regularly or on special occasions.

Even small amounts can make a big difference in the long run. Remember — every dollar saved now is two dollars you don’t have to borrow and pay back with interest later.

Good job thinking about the future! When you work hard and prepare, both you and your dreams will take flight!

Love from Alaska,





About the author: 

Dash is an important member of the team at the Education Trust of Alaska as the top dog in savings outreach. Dash is often seen representing the Alaska 529 at a variety of community events and activities. He strives to represent the Plan with the same pawsitive attitude he has for dog mushing.