By Kathleen McGrath
Director, PA 529 College Savings Program
June 9, 2014
college grads
My “baby” just graduated from college. The last of three. It is bittersweet. Bitter in that she is all grown-up – I can’t deny it anymore.  Sweet, in that there are no more college bills to pay! What I did save in PA 529 was so helpful. In the last years, I had enough to cover tuition, fees and her apartment.  What a great feeling when I was able just to tell the program to cut a check for those big ticket items. That allowed me to send her food and other expense money each payday. It was much easier for me than paying those costs in a lump sum up front.

So now, even though I’m done funding my kids’ education, I’m going to keep my payroll direct deposit going into my PA 529 account.  You see, I’m hoping that, in a few years or so, I’ll have grandchildren to name as beneficiaries.  And, what a great start I’ll have for them when they enter this world.

About the Author:
Kathleen McGrath is director of the PA 529 College Savings ProgramThe Pennsylvania 529 College Savings Program sponsors two plans – the PA 529 Guaranteed Savings Plan (GSP) and the PA 529 Investment Plan (IP). The guarantee of the PA 529 GSP is an obligation of the GSP Fund, not the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania or any state agency. Before investing in either plan, please carefully read that plan’s disclosure statement to learn more about that plan including investment objectives, risks, fees, and tax implications.