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Event Series Event Series: Random Act of Kindness Day

Random Act of Kindness Day

February 17 All day

Random Acts of Kindness Day began in 2004 in New Zealand as a way to encourage and celebrate kindness and paying it forward. Promoters of the day suggested paying for another person’s meal in a drive-thru, letting someone go ahead in line, buying extra at the grocery store and donating it to a food pantry, buying flowers for someone, helping someone change a flat tire, posting anonymous sticky notes with validating or uplifting messages around for people to find, complimenting a colleague on their work, sending an encouraging text to someone, taking muffins to work, letting a car into the traffic ahead of you, washing someone else’s car, taking a gift to new neighbors, or paying the bus fare for another passenger.  The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation was founded in the United States in 1995.  More about the organization can be found at https://www.randomactsofkindness.org/